Presumption of compensability, as differentiated from presumption of work-relatedness, is not accorded in favor of the seafarer. As such, he bears the burden of proving that […]
Occupational disease found in the 2000 POEA-SEC list and a non-listed illness and their resulting injury must sufficiently shown by substantial evidence to be compensable. Notably, […]
Disability benefits can be awarded only when disability is compensable under the above POEA-SEC. Two elements must concur for disability to be compensable: (1) the injury […]
Aldrine B. Ilustricimo vs. NYK-Fil Ship Management, Inc./International Cruise Services, Ltd. and/or Josephine J. Francisco G.R. No. 237487, June 27, 2018 Third doctor; Notification of seafarer’s […]
Permanent and total disability benefits should be awarded if the company-designated physician fails to issue an assessment within 120-days from the date of seafarer’s repatriation. Thus, […]
Illness, among other elements to be compensable, must have existed during the term of the seafarer’s employment contract. Thus, the SC held in the following case: […]
Disability benefits entitlement rules provide that: (a) the 120 days provided under Section 20-B (3) of the POEA-SEC is the period given to the employer to […]
To be entitled to compensation and benefits under the governing POEA-SEC, it is not sufficient to establish that the seafarer’s illness or injury has rendered him […]