Labor Law Administration and Enforcement of the Rules under Art. 128 of the Labor Code (Department Order No. 183, Series of 2017, otherwise known as the REVISED RULES ON THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF LABOR LAWS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 128 OF THE LABOR CODE, AS RENUMBERED)
The basis for the issuance of DO 183, Series of 2017 is the authority of the Secretary of Labor and Employment to promulgate the necessary rules under Article 5 and the visitorial and enforcement power under Article 128 in relation to Article 303 of the Labor Code, as renumbered.
DO 183 amends Department Order No. 131-B, Series of 2016.
Grab a copy of the renumbered Labor Code 2018 Edition by Atty. Elvin B. Villanueva
DO 183 is aimed to further strengthen the implementation of the visitorial and enforcement powers under the Labor Code, as renumbered, towards securing a higher level of compliance with labor laws and standards, and ensuring continuity and sustainability of compliance at workplaces. (Section 1, Rule I)
DO 183 governs all matters arising from the visitorial and enforcement power of the Secretary of Labor and Employment under Article 128 in relation to Article 303 of the Labor Code, as renumbered. (Section 2, Rule I)
Liberal Construction and Application Rules of Court
DO 183 is liberally construed to attain a just, inexpensive, and expeditious settlement and resolution of labor cases or disputes. (Section 3, Rule I)
However, in the absence of any applicable provisions in this Revised Rules, and in order to achieve the objectives of the Labor Code, as renumbered, the pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court, whenever practicable, shall apply suppletorily. (Section 4, Rule I)
Definition of Terms
“Authority to Inspect” refers to the written issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his/her duly authorized representative, to Labor Inspectors to conduct Routine Inspection, Complaint Inspection, or Occupational Safety and Health Standards Investigation. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Child” refers to any person under eighteen (18) years of age. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Child Labor” refers to any work or economic activity performed by a child that subjects him/her to any form of exploitation or is harmful to his/her health and safety or physical, mental or psychosocial development. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Complaint Inspection” refers to the act of validating compliance with labor law and social legislation by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his/her duly authorized representative in any of the instances mentioned in Section1, Rule VI of this Revised Rules. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Dangerous Occurrences” refer to any of the following: (Section 1, Rule II)
Explosion of boilers used for heating or power;
“Disabling Injury” refers to a work injury which results in death, permanent, total disability, permanent partial disability, or temporary total disability. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Double Indemnity” refers to the penalty in an amount equivalent to twice the unpaid benefits owing to employee/s due to non-payment by an employer of the prescribed increases or adjustments in the wage rate. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Employee” refers to any person in the employ of an employer. The term shall not be limited to the employees of a particular employer unless the Labor Code, as renumbered, so explicitly states. It shall include any individual whose work has ceased as a result of or in connection with any current labor dispute or because of any unfair labor practice if he has not obtained any other substantially equivalent and regular employment. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Employer” refers to any person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee and shall include the government or any of its political subdivisions, and instrumentalities, all government-owned or controlled corporations and institutions without original charters or incorporated under the Corporation Code of the Philippines, as well as non-profit private institutions or organizations. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Establishment” refers to any private entity, whether operating for profit or not, employing individuals where work or any of its incidents are being undertaken, including its branches. (Section 1, Rule II)
“Hazardous Establishment” refers to an establishment in which the nature of work exposes the employees to: (Section 1, Rule II)
“Imminent Danger” refers to a condition or practice in any workplace that can be reasonably expected to cause death or serious physical harm.9
“Inspection Checklist” refers to a form, hard copy or electronic, containing indicators in determining compliance of establishment, workplace, or worksite with labor laws and social legislation.
“Labor Inspector” refers to the personnel of the DOLE authorized to conduct Routine Inspection, Complaint Inspection, Occupational Safety and Health Standards Investigation, advocacies and advisory services, hold conciliation and mandatory conferences, and perform such other related functions which may be necessary in the enforcement of the Labor Code, as renumbered, and other related laws.
“Labor Standards” refers to the minimum requirements prescribed by existing laws, rules and regulations, and other issuances relating to wages, hours of work, allowances and other monetary and welfare benefits, including those set by occupational safety and health standards.
“Notice of Results” refers to the accomplished form issued by the Labor Inspector indicating the results of Routine Inspection, Complaint Inspection, and Occupational Safety and Health Standards Investigation.
“Occupational Safety and Health Standards Investigation” refers to the process of determining the existence of imminent danger, dangerous occurrence, and accident resulting in disabling injury or other analogous circumstances within the workplace based on a report or information.
“Regional Office” refers to the Office of the DOLE in the regions headed by a Regional Director.
“Routine Inspection” refers to the process of evaluating compliance with labor laws and social legislation jointly undertaken by the Labor Inspector and the representatives of the employer and employees using the prescribed Inspection Checklist.
“Single Entry Approach” refers to the speedy, impartial, and inexpensive proceedings through a 30-day mandatory conciliation-mediation where parties are given the opportunity to settle labor and employment issues amicably pursuant to Department Order No. 151-16.
“Technical Safety Inspection” refers to inspection or verification of boilers, pressure vessels, internal combustion engines, elevators, hoisting equipment, electrical wirings and other mechanical equipment installation for safety determination.
“Validation” refers to the review by the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative or pertinent documents submitted by an establishment showing compliance with labor laws and social legislation.
“Verification” refers to the review by the Labor Inspector of pertinent documents submitted by an establishment showing compliance with labor laws and social legislation.
Working Child refers to any child engaged in any of the following conditions:
The visitorial power of the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his/her duly authorized representatives shall be implemented through any of the following: (Section 1, Rule III)
Upon the discretion of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, a Special Inspection Team may be constituted by the Secretary of Labor and Employment composed of a group of labor inspectors, or representatives from the Regional Office, the Bureau of Working Conditions, the Occupational Safety and Health Center, and other DOLE agencies for the conduct of inspection on establishments and workplaces based on the foregoing modes. The Special Inspection Team may coordinate or be directed to collaborate with other government agencies exercising regulatory or enforcement functions, as may be necessary. (Ibid.)
At the start of every year, the Secretary of Labor and Employment shall issue a list of Labor Inspectors with general authority to inspect establishments’ compliance with labor laws and social legislation. The general authority shall include investigation of OSH standards violation committed in plain view or in the presence of the Labor Inspectors. (Section 2, Rule III)
From the issued list, the Regional Director shall assign specific establishments to authorized Labor Inspectors.
For purposes of representation in the conduct of inspection, the following shall be the authorized representative of the employer employees: (Section 3, Rule III)
b.1 For organized establishment, the representative shall be designated by
the sole and exclusive bargaining agent in the Collective Bargaining
b.2 For unorganized establishment, the representative shall be any rank-
and-file employee present at the time of inspection or representative/s
from any of the following Committees, in successive order:
b.2.1. Labor-Management Committee;
b.2.2. Compliance Committee;
b.2.3. Safety and Health Committee; or
b.2.4. Family Welfare Committee
In the absence of the above mentioned, any employee present during the inspection shall be deemed representative of the employees.
Qualified representatives of Legitimate Labor Organizations, Legitimate Workers Associations, Chartered Locals, National Unions of Federations, Accredited Integrated Professional Organizations, Non- Government Organizations, and Employer Organizations may be authorized to participate in the inspection of establishments subject to the requirements of Administrative Order No. 164, Series of 2017. (Section 4, Rule III)
The conduct of technical safety inspection by Labor Inspectors who are mechanical or electrical engineers shall be governed by the Revised Technical Safety Inspection Manual. (Section 5, Rule III)
Voluntary Regularization of Employees.
The employers may voluntarily regularize their employees by filing a Letter of Voluntary Commitment before the DOLE Regional Office having jurisdiction over the workplace pursuant to Labor Advisory No. 06, Series of 2017. (Section 6, Rule III)
Inspection Audit Team
The implementation of inspection programs and activities, and the performance of Labor Inspectors shall be periodically reviewed by the Audit Team constituted as such by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. The Audit Team shall submit within seven (7) working days after each audit a report to the Office of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, copy furnished the Bureau of Working Conditions. (Section 7, Rule III)
Establishment’s Labor Standards Requirement
All establishments, principals and contractors/subcontractors, unless expressly exempted, must comply with the prescribed labor standards, OSHS, and social welfare benefits for their employees including compliance with the regulations on contracting/subcontracting arrangements, termination of employment requirements, security of tenure, right to self-organization and other labor rights. (Section 1, Rule IV)
Keeping of Employment Records
All establishments shall keep and maintain employment records in and about the premises of all workplaces for at least three (3) years; except if a centralized recording system is implemented. (Section 2, Rule IV)
Compliance of Principal and Contractor or Subcontractor Requirement.
The contractor and/or subcontractor and its principals shall comply with the requirements of Department Order No. 174, Series of 2017. (Section 3, Rule IV)
Coverage of Routine Inspection
Routine inspection shall cover all private establishments, including their branches, workplaces and their contractors or subcontractors. (Section 1, Rule V)
Priority Establishments and Workplaces
In the conduct of Routine Inspection, the priority establishments and workplaces are as follows: (Section 2, Rule V)
Routine Inspection Procedure
Routine Inspection is conducted in the following manner: (Section 3, Rule V)
d.1 For compliant establishment. – If the establishment is found compliant, the Labor Inspector shall issue a Notice of Results to the representatives of the employer and the employees, and the Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent, if organized, indicating therein compliance with labor laws and social legislation. Pertinent documents showing compliance shall be attached as part of the records.
d.2. For non-compliant establishment. – If the establishment is found non-compliant, the Labor Inspector shall issue a Notice of Results to the representatives of the employer and the employees, and the Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent, if organized, indicating therein the noted violations.
In both cases, the contents of the Notice of Results shall be explained by the Labor Inspector to the representatives of the employer and the employees, who shall thereafter affix their respective signatures therein to signify their acknowledgement of the Routine Inspection findings. Any representative who disagrees with the findings may note his/her comment on the Notice of Results before affixing his/her signature.
If any representative refuses to sign the Notice of Results, the Labor Inspector shall write such fact and specify the name and designation of the said representative. Copies of the Notice of Results shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the company premises and shall be sent to the establishment by registered mail or private courier service.
e.1 Correction Period on General Labor Standards and Contracting and Subcontracting Rules. – All establishments with violations on general labor standards and/or contracting and subcontracting rules are required to present original copies of compliance to the Regional Office or to its Field Office which conducted the Routine Inspection, if any, within a non-extendible period of ten (10) days from receipt of the Notice of Results or from posting thereof in a conspicuous place within their premises.
For general labor standards, in case the parties enter into a compromise or amicable settlement, procedures provided in Rule XII of this Revised Rules shall apply.
e.2. Remediation Period on Occupational Safety and Health Standards.- If the violations involve occupational safety and health standards, the following remediation period shall apply:
e.2.1. If the violation poses imminent danger to the life and the limb of the employees, remediation shall be made within one (1) day from receipt of the Notice of Results in accordance with Section 2 (b.2 and b.3), Rule VII of this Revised Rules. The employer shall suspend the work or the affected employees shall stop working until the required violation is corrected. During the period of work suspension, the employer shall pay the wages of the said employees as if they have reported for work;
e.2.2. If the violation pertains to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), remediation thereof shall be effected within three (3) days from receipt of the Notice of Results. However, if the lack of the required PPE is of such nature that it can be reasonably expected cause death or serious physical harm, the employer may suspend work or the affected employees may stop working until the required PPE is provided. During the period of work suspension. The employer shall pay the wages of the said employees as if they have reported for work.
e.2.3 If it pertains to violation other than the above, the employer may be allowed a longer period to remediate the same, provided the employer submits a corresponding Action Plan specifying the timelines within which to remediate the violations, which period shall in no case exceed ninety (90) days from the issuance of the Notice of Results.
h.1. Correction of General Labor Standards Violation. – When the employer manifests to pay the unpaid benefits and/or correct other violations during the period of correction, the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative shall direct the employer and the employees with money claims to conference.
If payment and/or correction of other violations was not made in the presence of the Regional Director or his/her authorized representative, verification or validation may be done by requiring the parties to present original copies of employment documents showing actual payment of wage differentials and other monetary benefits. The verification or validation may be done within five (5) days from receipt of information of compliance with general labor standards.
h.2 Correction of Contracting of Subcontracting Rules Violation. – When the employer manifests to correct its violations, the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative shall direct the employer to submit documents showing compliance on contracting or subcontracting and/or list of workers absorbed by the principal.
Upon receipt of proofs of compliance, the Regional Director or his/her authorized representative, shall conduct verification or validation with the affected workers. The verification or validation shall be done within five (5) days from receipt of the documents showing compliance.
h.3. Remediation of Occupational Safety and Health Standards Violation. – Within five (5) days after receipt of the status report, the Labor Inspector shall conduct a verification inspection with representatives from the employer and employees to verify whether the Action Plan has been fully implemented.
However, no follow-up inspection shall be conducted if the information on correction of the OSHS violation can be readily gathered from DOLE records or it merely necessitates document review or submission of reportorial requirements to the Regional Office.
i.1. General Labor Standards. – Failure to correct the noted violations within the prescribed period of ten (10) days would result to docketing of the same as a Labor Standards Case by the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative. As such, the parties shall be called to a mandatory conference within (10) days from the lapse of the period of correction in accordance with Rule X of this Revised Rules.
i.2. Contracting or Subcontracting Rules. – If the employer fails to submit proof of compliance within the prescribed period of ten (10) days, a mandatory conference in accordance with Rule X of this Revised Rules shall be undertaken.
i.3. Occupational Safety and Health Standards. – The Regional Director shall immediately issue a Compliance Order in the following instances:
i.3.1 Failure or refusal of the employer to formulate an Action Plan;
i.3.2. Failure or refusal of the employer to submit a status report within the five-day prescribed period;
i.3.3. Failure or refusal of the employer to fully implement the Action Plan within the scheduled date of remediaton; and
i.3.4 Failure of the employer to provide the appropriate PPE and to submit proof of compliance thereof within three (3) days from receipt of the Notice of Results.
Complaint Inspection – Coverage
Complaint Inspection shall be undertaken in any of the following instances. (Section 1, Rule VI)
In the case of item b., the assigned Labor Inspector shall conduct a surprise visit in the establishment complained of to validate the violations of labor laws.
Complaint Inspection Procedure
The conduct of the Complaint Inspection shall be governed by the following: (Section 2, Rule V)
d.1. For compliant establishment. – If the establishment is found compliant, the Labor Inspector shall issue a Notice of Results to the representatives of the employer and the employees, and the Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent, if organized, indicating therein compliance with labor laws and social legislation.
Establishments found compliant by Labor Inspectors shall be subject to random validation by the concerned Regional Office.
d.2. For non-compliant establishment. – If the establishment is found non-compliant, the Labor Inspector shall issue a Notice of Results to the representatives of the employer and the employees, and the Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent, if organized, indicating therein the noted violations.
In both cases, the contents of the Notice of Results shall be explained by the Labor Inspector to the representatives of the employer and the employees, who shall thereafter affix their respective signatures therein to signify their acknowledgment of inspection findings. Any representative who disagrees with the findings may note his/her comment on the Notice of Results before affixing his/her signature.
If any representative refuses to sign the Notice of Results, the Labor Inspector shall write such fact and specify the name and designation of the said representative. Copies of the Notice of Results shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the company premises and shall be sent to the establishment by registered mail or private courier service. Refusal to sign shall not affect the regularity of the Notice of Results.
f.1. Correction of General Labor Standards Violation. – When the employer manifests its willingness to pay unpaid benefits and/or correct other violations during the period of correction, the Regional Director or his/her authorized representative shall direct the employer and the employees with money claims to a conference.
If payment and/or correction of other violations has already been made, the Regional Director or his/her authorized representative shall conduct verification or validation by requiring the presentation of employment documents showing payment of wage differentials and other monetary benefits. The verification or validation may be done with representatives from the employer and employees within five (5) days from receipt of information of compliance with general labor standards.
f.2. Correction of Contracting or Subcontracting Rules Violation. – When the employer manifests to correct its violations, the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative shall direct the employer to submit documents showing compliance or contracting or subcontracting and/or list of workers absorbed by the principal.
Upon receipt of proofs of compliance, the Regional Director of his/her authorized representative, shall conduct verification or validation with the affected workers. The verification or validation shall be done within five (5) days from receipt of documents showing compliance.
f.3. Correction of Occupational Safety and Health Standards Violation. – The Labor Inspector shall conduct a verification inspection within prescribed period to check whether correction on OSHS were instituted. If corrections can be readily identified from DOLE records or if it merely necessitates document review or submission or reportorial forms to the Regional Office, a verification visit may not be conducted.
Occupational Safety and Health Standards Investigation – Coverage
Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) Investigation shall cover the following instances: (Section 1, Rule VII)
Procedure in Imminent Danger Situations or Dangerous Occurrences
The following procedures shall be observed: (Section 2, Rule VII)
However, if the nature of the imminent danger or dangerous occurrence is so grave as to require technical assistance, the Regional Director shall recommend to the Secretary of Labor Employment the creation of a composite team composed of representatives from the concerned Regional Office, Bureau of Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health Center and the Employees Compensation Commission who will be dispatched immediately to the establishment or workplace under investigation. In this connection, the team shall coordinate with appropriate government agencies, including local government units.
b.1 He/she shall conduct OSHS investigation and determine compliance with labor laws and social legislation.
b.2. Upon determination of existence of imminent danger or dangerous occurrence, he/she shall recommend to the establishment the necessary corrective action to immediately abate the imminent danger or dangerous occurrence., If abated, he/she shall submit a narrative report to the Regional Director which shall contain the following:
b.2.1 The facts surrounding the incident covered by the OSHS investigation, including a report of the safety and/or health personnel and other related documents such as police report, pictures, and the like;
b.2.2. Initial findings on the proximate cause of the imminent danger or
dangerous occurrence;
b.2.3. The recommendation for the abatement of the cause of the imminent danger; and
b.2.4 The corrective action taken.
b.3. If not abated, the Labor Inspector shall issue a Notice of Results to the establishment and submit a recommendation, together with a narrative report, to the Regional Director for the issuance of Work Stoppage Order (WSO) within twenty-four (24) hours from the failure of the employer to abate the imminent danger.
The narrative report shall contain the following:
b.3.1 The facts surrounding the incident covered by the OSHS Investigation, including a report of the safety and/or health personnel and other related documents such as police report, pictures, and the like.
b.3.2 Initial findings on the proximate cause of the imminent danger or dangerous occurrence;
b.3.3 The affected workplace or part thereof;
b.3.4 The names, number, and positions of employees who shall be affected.
b.3.5 The recommendation for the abatement of the cause of the imminent danger; and
b.3.6 The reason for the failure of the employer to abate the imminent danger or dangerous occurrence.
Thereafter, the Regional Director shall immediately conduct a validation. If he/she is satisfied that there exists an imminent danger, he/she shall issue a WSO with a copy thereof furnished to the Secretary of Labor and Employment and the Bureau of Working Conditions. Within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the WSO, the Labor Inspector shall serve the same to the establishment.
Within twenty-four (24) hours but not exceeding seventy-two (72) hours from service of the WSO, the Regional Director shall conduct mandatory conference to determine whether imminent danger still exists.
During the mandatory conference, the establishment shall be allowed to submit evidence to prove that imminent danger no longer exists. If evidence is submitted, the Regional Director shall direct the Labor Inspector to verify the claim of the establishment.
If upon verification the imminent danger no longer exists, the Labor Inspector shall recommend the lifting of the WSO, the Regional Director shall issue an Order lifting of the WSO based on the documents of compliance and validation, verification or narrative report submitted by the Labor Inspector.
A full report on the OSHS Investigation shall be submitted by the Regional Director to the Secretary of Labor and Employment through the Bureau of Working Conditions within twenty-four (24) hours from issuance of the Order lifting the WSO.
b.4. If there are violations involving labor standards, the applicable provisions of Section 2, Rule VI on Complaint Inspection, of this Revised Rules shall apply.
Procedure for Investigating Disabling Injury
The following procedures shall be observed when there is disabling injury: (Section 3, Rule VII)
However, if the nature of the imminent danger or dangerous occurrence is of such gravity that it would require technical assistance to abate the same, the Regional Director shall recommend to the Secretary of Labor and Employment the creation of a composite team comprised of representatives from the Regional Office, Bureau of Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health Center, and the Employees Compensation Commission who will be dispatched immediately to the establishment or workplace under investigation.
Procedures for Occupational Safety and Health Standards Violations Committed in Plain View or in the Presence of the Labor Inspector
In instances where occupational safety and health standards violation is committed in plain view or in the presence of the Labor Inspector, the latter shall require the employer to correct the violation based on Section 3 (e.2.1 and e.2.2) Rule V, on Routine Inspection, of this Revised Rules. (Section 4, Rule VII)
The Labor Inspector shall submit a narrative report to the Regional Director having jurisdiction over the workplace. The Regional Director shall direct: (a) the conduct of Routine Inspection under Rule V of this Revised Rules to complete the assessment of the establishment if correction has been made; or (b) the conduct of OSHS Investigation under this Rule if no correction has been instituted. (Ibid.)
Discovered Imminent Danger
In case an imminent danger is discovered during the conduct of Routine of Complaint Inspection, the provisions of Section 2 (b.2. and b.3.) of DO 183 shall be observed. (Section 5, Rule VII)
Reporting of Accident
All work accidents and occupational illness in workplaces shall be reported on or before the twentieth (20th) day of every month using the prescribed OSH Standards form by the employer, safety officer or any member of the Safety and Health Committee to the Regional Office. Except in cases of work accidents resulting in disabling injury or death, a report shall be made within twenty-four (24) hours from occurrence thereof by the employer, safety officer, or any member of the Safety and Health Committee. (Section 6, Rule VII)
Work Stoppage Order (WSO)
The Secretary of Labor and Employment or his/her duly authorized representative may direct to stop, wholly or partly, the work or operation of any unit or department of an establishment when non-compliance with occupational safety and health standards poses imminent danger to the health and safety of the employees in the workplace. (Section 1, Rule VIII)
Under exceptional circumstances, the Secretary of Labor and Employment may issue an industry-wide WSO. (Ibid.)
From and Effect of Work Stoppage Order
The WSO shall state the following: (Section 2, Rule VIII)
Order Lifting the Work Stoppage Order
The Regional Director shall issue an Order lifting the WSO upon receipt of proof and certification from the safety officer of the employer or DOLE-accredited safety practitioner or consultant that the cause of the imminent danger has been abated. (Section 3, Rule VIII)
The Regional Director shall make a finding in the WSO whether the accident was due to the fault of the employer. If in the affirmative, the latter shall pay its employees all the monetary benefits to which they are entitled for the duration of the WSO notwithstanding contributory negligence on the part of the said employees. A copy of such finding shall be immediately indorsed to the Social Security System and the Employees Compensation Commission for proper disposition pursuant to Article 206 of the Labor Code, as renumbered. (Ibid.)
Refusal of Access to Records and/or Premises
Refusal of access to records and/or premises shall result in the filing of a criminal action against the responsible person and/or employer/owner of the establishment during the conduct of Routine Inspection, Complaint Inspection, or OSHS Investigation. (Section 1, Rule IX)
Action To Be Taken on Refusal of Access
If the Labor Inspector is denied access to premises on his/her attempt to conduct Routine Inspection, Complaint Inspection, or OSHS Investigation, he/she shall issue a Notice of Results and report such fact in writing to the Regional Director. (Section 2, Rule IX)
If the Labor Inspector is denied access to records in the conduct of Routine or Complaint Inspection, he/she shall proceed with the inspection based on interview and inspection of premises only. Thereafter, he/she shall issue a Notice of Results and report such fact in writing to the Regional Director. (Section 2, Rule IX)
If the Labor Inspector is not allowed to interview workers, he/she shall issue a Notice of Results and report such fact in writing to the Regional Director. (Ibid.)
Execution of Affidavit of Refusal of Access
The Labor Inspector shall execute an affidavit narrating the following, and submit the same to the Regional Director within five (5) days from inspection: (Section 3, Rule IX)
Indorsement of Records to Legal Service
The Regional Director shall indorse the supporting documents such as, but not limited to, Authority to Inspect, Notice of Results and Affidavit of Refusal of Access to the DOLE Legal Service within ten (10) days for the institution of a criminal action. (Section 4, Rule IX)
Initiation of Filing of Criminal Case
The DOLE Legal Service shall initiate the filing of the criminal case within ten (10) days from receipt of indorsement by the Regional Director. The Legal Service shall closely coordinate with the Regional Director of the concerned Regional Director of the concerned Regional Office relative to the cases to be filed or which have been already filed. (Section 5, Rule IX)
The DOLE Legal Service shall monitor the criminal case arising from refusal of access, and submit a quarterly report to the Office of the Secretary with a copy thereof furnished the Bureau of Working Conditions. It shall enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the department of justice for the prosecution of the cases. (Ibid)
Mandatory Conference
Conduct of Mandatory Conference
In Routine Inspection, a mandatory conference shall be conducted within ten (10) days after the lapse of the ten day correction period for violations of general labor standards and contracting or subcontracting rules. Failure to correct OSH violations within the remediation period shall cause the immediate issuance of Compliance Order. (Section 1, Rule X)
In complaint Inspection and OSH Investigation, a mandatory conference shall be conducted within ten (10) days after the lapse of the ten-day correction period for violations of general labor standards, occupational safety and health standards, and contracting or subcontracting rules. (Ibid.)
The Hearing Officer shall conduct marathon conferences. The parties shall be allowed only two (2) postponements based on meritorious grounds. (Ibid.)
Where the parties fail or refuse to appear during the mandatory conference/s despite due notice and without justifiable reason, the same shall be considered a waiver on their part to controvert the findings of the Labor Inspector. Consequently, a Compliance Order shall be issued based on the evidence on record. (Ibid.)
In no case shall the mandatory conferences exceed thirty (30) days reckoned from the date of the first conference. (Ibid.)
The proceedings shall be summary in nature. Hence, the technicalities of law and procedures and the rules governing admissibility and sufficiency of evidence obtaining in the courts of law shall not strictly apply. The Hearing Officer shall avail of all reasonable means to speedily and objectively ascertain the facts of the controversy, including ocular inspection and interview of well-informed persons, (Section 2, Rule X)
The Hearing Officer shall make a record of the proceedings, including the position of the parties and the evidence presented. The minutes of the conferences shall be signed by the parties and attested to by the Hearing Officer, and shall form part of the records of the case. (Section 3, Rule X)
Compliance Order
Within ten (10) days after the termination of the mandatory conference, the Hearing Officer shall submit his/her recommendation for the disposition of the labor standards case. Accordingly, the Regional Director shall issue the corresponding Compliance Order within twenty (20) days from receipt of the aforesaid recommendation. (Section 1, Rule XI)
The Compliance Order shall be written in clear and concise language, which shall contain the following: (Ibid.)
Effect of Compliance Order to Regularize Workers
In case the Compliance Order issued by the Regional Director includes a directive to regularize workers, the order to regularize workers shall be immediately executory pending appeal. During the pendency of the appeal, the employment of workers ordered to be regularized shall not be terminated. (Section 2, Rule XI)
Dismissal of the Case
Within twenty (20) days from receipt of the recommendation of the Labor Inspector, the Regional Director shall issue an Order dismissing the cased based on any of the following grounds. (Section 3, Rule XI)
Modes of Service
Notices shall be served to the parties of their duly authorized representatives at their last known address or if they are represented by counsels, to the latter. (Section 4, Rule XI)
Service of notices and orders shall be made either by personal service, registered mail or private courier service. In cases where a party to a case or his/her counsel of record personally seeks service of the order upon inquiry, service on the said party shall be deemed effected upon actual receipt. In special circumstances, service of notices may be effected in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court. (Section 4, Rule XI)
For purposes of appeal, the reckoning of the reglementary period shall be from receipt of the Compliance Order by the parties. (Section 4, Rule XI)
Proof and Completeness of Service
The registry return card is prima facie proof of the facts indicated therein. (Section 5, Rule XI)
Personal service and service by private courier is complete upon actual delivery. Service by registered mail is complete upon actual receipt by the addressee, or after five (5) days the date he/she received the first notice of the postmaster, whichever date is earlier. (Ibid.)
In case of personal service, the process server shall submit his/her return within seventy-two (72) hours from date of service indicating in the return his/her name, the mode of service, the names of the authorized persons served, and the date of actual receipt of the document. If no service was affected, the process server shall state in the return card the reason thereof. (Ibid.)
Notice of Finality
The Regional Director shall issue a Notice of Finality in case no appeal is duly perfected. (Section 6, Rule XI)
Compromise Agreement
Should the parties arrive at an agreement as to the mode of payment or compliance, said agreement shall be reduced in writing and signed by the parties in the presence of the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative. (Section 1, Rule XII)
The Compromise Agreement shall bind the parties provided that the person making the compromise did so voluntarily, with full understanding of the facts and of the consequences thereof, and for a consideration which is adequate and reasonable. (Ibid.)
In case a Compromise Agreement is entered into by the parties in the absence of the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative, the parties shall be called to attend a verification conference for the purpose of verifying the authenticity and due execution of the agreement. (Ibid.)
In case the aforesaid conference cannot be held for justifiable reason, the Regional Director may assign a labor Inspector to conduct an on-site verification. A report thereof shall be submitted by the Labor Inspector concerned within three (3) days after the conduct of such on-site verification. (Ibid.)
The Compliance Order may be appealed to the Office of the Secretary of Labor and Employment by filing a Memorandum of Appeal, furnishing the other party with a copy of the same, within ten (10) days from receipt thereof. A mere Notice of Appeal shall not stop the running of the period within which to file an appeal. (Section 1, Rule XIII)
The Secretary of Labor and Employment shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of the entire records of the case or from termination of Clarificatory Conference referred to in Section 11 of this Rule, to decide the appeal.
Grounds of Appeal
An appeal shall be based on any of the following: (Section 2, Rule XIII)
Where to file the Appeal
The appeal shall be filed with the Regional Office which issued the Compliance Order. The filing of Memorandum of Appeal with any other office or agency shall not toll the running of the reglementary period for filing the same. (Section 3, Rule XIII)
Form and Contents
The Memorandum of Appeal shall be filed in one (1) printed copy in a compact disc containing: (a) the full name of the parties to the case; (b) the date of receipt of the Compliance Order appealed from; (c) concise statement of the matters involved, the issues raised, the specification or errors of fact or law, or both, allegedly committed by the Regional Office, and the reasons or arguments relied upon for the allowance of the appeal; (d) proof of service upon the other party; and (e) clear legible duplicate originals or true copies of the Compliance Order, certified correct by the records officer of the Regional Office. (Section 4, Rule XIII)
Perfection of Appeal
An appeal is deemed perfected upon filing of the Memorandum of Appeal together with the appeal bond within the period specified in Section 1 of this Rule. (Section 5, Rule XIII)
Failure to perfect an appeal in the manner and within the period prescribed in this Rule shall render the Compliance Order final and executory,in which case the Regional Director shall, on his/her own initiative, issue a Notice of Finality and Writ of Execution. (Ibid.)
Appeal Bond
The appeal bond may either be cash or surety bond in an amount equivalent to the monetary award. In case a surety bond is posted, it must be issued by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and shall be accompanied by original or certified true copies of the following: (Section 6, Rule XIII)
A cash bond or a surety bond shall be valid and effective from the date of deposit or posting until the case is finally resolved or the monetary award is satisfied. This provision shall be deemed incorporated in the terms and conditions of the surety bond agreement, and shall be binding on the appellant and the bonding company. (Ibid.)
If the bond is cancelled or is not renewed during the pendency of the case, the appeal shall be dismissed and the order appealed from shall be deemed final and executory. (Ibid.)
If after verification, the bond is found irregular or not genuine, the appeal shall be deemed not perfected and shall be dismissed by the Regional Director on his/her own initiative, in which case the assailed Compliance Order shall become final and executory. (Ibid.)
Motion to Reduce Bond
A motion to reduce bond shall not be entertained and shall not toll the reglementary period to file an appeal. (Section 7, Rule XIII)
Filing of Reply or Opposition
The appellee may file with the Regional Office his/her reply or opposition to the appeal within ten (10) days from receipt thereof. Failure on the part of the appellee to file his/her reply or opposition within the said period shall be construed as a waiver on his/her part to file the same. (Section 8, Rule XIII)
Withdrawal of Appeal
The appeal may be withdrawn as a matter of right at any time before filing of the appellee’s Reply or Opposition. Thereafter, the withdrawal may be allowed in the discretion of the Secretary of Labor and Employment. If an appeal is withdrawn in either case, the Resolution or Decision of the Regional Director shall become final and executory, and an Entry of Judgment shall be made immediately in accordance with Section 13 of DO 183. (Section 9, Rule XIII))
Transmittal of Records
Within three (3) days after the lapse of the period to file a reply or opposition to the appeal, the entire records of the case shall be transmitted by the Regional Office to the Office of the Secretary of Labor and Employment. (Section 10, Rule XIII)
The records of the case shall have a corresponding index of its contents, chronologically arranged and numbered. The records shall include the following: (a) complaint, affidavits, copy of the Notice of Results, computation of the award; (b) notices, orders, as well as the proof of service such as return cards, minutes of the proceedings; (c) Memorandum of Appeal and Reply or Opposition thereto with proof of service thereof; and (d) official receipt of cash bond or in case of surety bond, the corresponding requirements therefor as specified in Section 6 of DO 183. (Ibid.)
Clarificatory Conference
A Clarificatory Conference may be called for the purpose of determining or verifying factual issues to the resolution of the appeal. (Section 11, Rule XIII)
Finality of Resolution or Decision of the Secretary of Labor and Employment
If no motion for reconsideration is filed by the aggrieved party within ten (10) days from receipt by the parties of the Resolution or Decision of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, the same shall become final and executory. If a motion for reconsideration is filed, the Secretary of Labor and Employment shall resolve the same within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof. (Section 12, Rule XIII)
The Resolution or Decision of the Secretary of Labor and Employment on the motion for reconsideration shall become final and executory after ten (10) days from the issuance thereof. (Ibid.)
Entry of Judgment and Transmittal of Records to the Regional Office of Origin
After the Resolution or Decision of the Secretary of Labor and Employment has attained finality, an Entry of Judgment shall be issued. Thereafter, the entire records of the case shall be forwarded to the Regional Office of origin for the issuance and implementation of the Writ of Execution. (Section 13, Rule XIII)
Effect of Filing of Petition for Certiorari
The filing of Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court before the Court of Appeals shall not stay the execution of the Compliance Order, resolution or Decision unless the appellate court issues a restraining order or injunctive relief. (Section 14, Rule XIII)
Issuance of Writ of Execution
Within ten (10) days from issuance of Notice of Finality or receipt of Entry of Judgment and the entire records of the case, the Regional Director shall issue a Writ of Execution his/her own initiative or on motion by any interested party. (Section 1, Rule XIV)
Pre-execution Conference
Within ten (10) days from issuance of a Writ of Execution, the Regional Director or his/her duly authorized representative shall conduct a pre-execution conference or hearing to thresh out matters relevant to the execution. (Section 2, Rule XIV)
Form and Contents of a Writ of Execution
The Writ of Execution must be issued in the name of the Republic of the Philippines, signed by the Regional Director, requiring the Sheriff to execute his/her Compliance Order or the resolution or Decision of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, and must contain the dispositive portion of the Order sought to be enforced and all lawful fees to be collected from the losing party or any other person required by law to obey the same. (Section 3, Rule XIV)
Enforcement of Writ of Execution
In enforcing the Writ of Execution, the Sheriff or the officer acting as such shall be guided by this Rules and by the DOLE Sheriff’s Manual on Execution of Judgment. In the absence of applicable rules, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court shall be applied in a suppletory character. (Section 4, Rule XIV)
The Sheriff may avail of such other means as may be necessary in the execution of the judgment, including seeking the assistance of law enforcement authorities. (Ibid.)
Motion to Quash Writ of Execution
The filing of a Motion to Quash the Writ of Execution shall not suspend the execution proceedings. The motion shall be deemed not filed but shall form part of the records of the case. (Section 5, Rule XIV)
Unclaimed Amount
The Regional Director shall hold in trust under a special fund any amount unclaimed by the employees within a period of three (3) years from notice that the monetary award has been recovered from the employer. Such amount shall be held as a special fund by the Department of Labor and Employment to be used exclusively for the amelioration and benefit of workers. (Section 6, Rule XIV)
Effect of Third-Party Claim
If the property levied on is claimed by any person rather than the losing party and/or employer or its agent, such person shall make an Affidavit of his/her title thereto or right to possession thereof, stating the grounds of such right or title and shall file the same with the Sheriff and copies thereof served upon the Regional Director and upon the prevailing parties/workers. (Section 7, Rule XIV)
Filing of a third-party claim shall not stay the execution provided that the prevailing parties/workers, on demand of the Regional Director, files a bond to indemnify the third-party claimant in a sum not less than the value of the property levied on. (Ibid.)
In case of failure on the part of the prevailing parties/workers to post bond, the Regional Director shall conduct a hearing with due notice all parties concerned and resolve the validity of the Third-Party Claim within ten (10) working days from the receipt thereof and his/her decision is appealable to the Secretary of Labor and Employment within ten (10) working days from notice, and the same shall be resolve within the same period. (Ibid.)
Prohibited Motions
At all levels of the proceedings, the following motions or pleadings are prohibited and, if filed, shall not be acted upon but shall from the part of the records of the case. (Section 1, Rule XV)
Assistance to Workers
Workers who are separated from employment during the pendency of the case may visit the nearest DOLE Regional Office for availment of any livelihood, employment, income opportunities and other support programs of DOLE and other government agencies. (Section 2, Rule XV)
Coordination with Relevant Government Agencies
The conduct of any of the modes of implementation may be covered by Memorandum of Agreements to ensure proper coordination with other relevant government agencies. (Section 3, Rule XV)
Revised Manual for Implementation
T the Bureau of Working Conditions is mandated to issue the Manual of Implementation of DO 183. (Section 4, Rule XV)
Any person who commits any of the unlawful acts described in the labor Code, as renumbered or any provision of this Revised Rules, shall be punished with a fine on not less than One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000.00) nor more than Ten Thousand Pesos (Php10,000.00) or imprisonment of not more than three (3) months nor more than thee (3) years or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. (Section 4, Rule XVI)
Any person who refuses or fails to pay any of the prescribed increases or adjustments in the wage rates shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (Php25,000.00) nor more than one Hundred thousand Pesos (Php100,000.00) in accordance with Republic Act No. 8188. (Ibid.)
If the violation is committed by a corporation, trust or firm, partnership, association, or any other entity, the fine shall be imposed upon the entity’s responsible officers, including, but not limited to, the president, vice president, chief executive officer, general manager, managing director, or partner. (Ibid.)
In case the employee’s injury, illness or death was due to the failure of the employer to comply with any labor law, or to install, maintain or provide safety and health control measures, or take other precautions for the prevention of injury, illness or death, said employer shall pay the State Insurance Fund a penalty of twenty-five percent (25%) of the lump sum equivalent of the income benefit payable by the Social Security System to the employee after due process. (Ibid.)
Oversight Function of the TIPC
The National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (NTIPC) as created under Executive Order No. 49, Series of 1998, as amended, shall serve as the oversight committee to monitor compliance with DO 183 (Section 2, Rule XVI)