Ting Trucking/Mary Violaine A. Ting Vs. John C. Makilan G.R. No. 216452. June 20, 2016 Facts: Petitioner Ting Trucking is a sole proprietorship owned by Mary […]
Buenaflor Car Services, Inc. vs. David, Jr. G.R. No. 222730, November 7, 2016 Facts: Cezar David was employed as Service Manager by Buenaflor Car Services, Inc., […]
Universal Canning Inc., et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al. G.R. No. 215047, November 23, 2016 Facts: Dante M. Sarosal, Francisco Dumagal. Jr., Nelson E. […]
Transgressions of company policy and code of conduct are grounds for dismissal of employees under the serious misconduct. St. Luke’s Medical Center, Inc. vs. Maria Theresa […]
Dishonesty is one of the grounds for dismissal of employee. However, hesitation of the employee to admit mistake and subsequent admission of such mistake cannot amount […]
Doubts that pervade in the presentation of evidence to establish validity of dismissal are resolved in favor of labor. The Supreme Court held in the following […]
Offensive, obscene, or insulting language made against a superior is serious misconduct. The Supreme Court held in the following case: Roque B. Benitez and Santa Fe […]
Willful breach of trust requires only mere existence of a basis for believing that the employee has breached the trust and confidence of the employer” for […]
Theft as ground for employee dismissal must be supported by substantial evidence. Where in a case a money was missing and no direct evidence shows who […]