Cristina Barsolo vs. Social Security System G.R. No. 187950, January 11, 2017 Facts: Cristina’s deceased husband, Manuel M. Barsolo (Manuel), “was employed as a seaman by […]
Suicide is not compensable as death benefit of the seafarer. Likewise, parties can present evidence for the first time on appeal before the NLRC as held […]
Death of the seafarer occurring after the expiration of contract must be proved to be connected to his work to be compensable. Re-numbered Labor Code (2017) […]
Death benefit is one of those guaranteed to the seafarer. However, where the provisions of ITF, POEA-SEC, and CBA do not provide the same amount, the […]
Death of the seafarer to be compensable must be work-related and must happen during the term of the employment contract. Alma Covita vs. SSM Maritime Services, […]
Death caused by illness which was either contracted in the course of seafarer’s employment or aggravated during the same period may be compensable where there is […]